There are times in our lives that make us sit back and think "yeah it is over"! This was one of those weeks.
The kids have been excited to be getting ready for camp. I on the other hand have been putting it off. I do look forward to the time with my youngest but I really miss the 2 bigger kiddies!!!
This week we also experienced head lice....mild dose to 1 child but extremely costly!!!!! I am still itchy and I didn't even get them...knock on wood. Now I am an expert, and the 20 years of doing hair wasn't a waste :) I have been a bit neurotic, cleaning like a crazy!!! I am not taking any chances, no way!!
The Olympics have been AWESOME!!!!!!!! We have watched them as a family. The swimming is our favorite. The kids get all pumped and get even more excited to swim in the winter.
I hurt my throat from screaming at the TV, that by the way never responds back..hahaha!
I also found out the chances of working in a full capacity is not going to happen. I am still dealing with my limitations but trying to not overdo it and get hurt.
All I can say now is VACATION....I need one :)
I am glad God designed days, and weeks. They all pass and a new one shows up with hope of better times. I am not complaining cause it is what it is. Really the plan laid out is for sure. There is no changing it and it is better to just get up and know God is there if you just ask!!! Sounds simple :)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
What a week!
Posted by beth at 1:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Lost track of time...
Another month has past, and I finally thought a new post was due:) School is finished for Emma. Her next step will be kindergarten in the big kids school. It will only be a 2 1/2 hour day but she will love it! I am not as excited as I though I would be. The last months hanging out with her have been fun....getting our nails done, going out to lunch, cuddling up to a Disney movie, eating ice cream on the floor for a floor picnic, and so much more!!
Cameron and Skye finish on the 16th for the summer. Swimming already started for the summer league and we are ready for early Saturday meets, and swimming every day!
They have already gotten too much sun, so I am charging them a $1- for every time they don't use their sun block....mean mom!!!!
I am getting around so much better, but do not feel as if I will ever be an Olympic athlete...hahaha! I hope walking longer distances will be in my future though:)
I still have 6 weeks left of PT...I need to loose the cane. I am standing up straighter than I have in 2 years which is wonderful. I do have some pain and hope it is something I can live with. I am working on getting off the pain meds but it has been a hard task. That is since there is still some pain...
I have been able to connect with old friends since my stay at home. It is nice to touch base with the past. I also have had time to craft a little. Emma and I spend time baking, card making, cooking, and candy making...YUMMY!
I will try to keep up on what is up at the Robertson house. I really have just been trying hard to recover...mind, body, and soul. It is a real struggle when life becomes very different than you pictured. Even though we are very blessed in many ways, the obstacles life has thrown our way have are daunting.
God has been good and now we pray He shows us a church to help in this healing time!
Thanks for checking in on us:)
By the way my niece Chelsey just graduated from high school on Friday...I am getting old!
Posted by beth at 11:37 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Another Mother's day!!
Mommy and Little Miss Emma, future star!!!!
I am exhausted from a wonderful day!
I slept in, was waited on, went to the movies, hung out with my baby sister, had dinner with her family, my mom and dad, and my family, and checked pictures of what chicken pox looks like....
This of course was a unexpected way to spend the last moments of mother's day. The rash showed up on my son. I am trying not to over react since I am not sure if it is the pox. No fever, no full body coverage, and no itching...yet:) There has been a few cases floating around school, and the kids have had the shots but they can still get a mild case. That would mean no swim meets, no school, and no going out. Needless to say he is upset, and I will just have to wait till the morning to freak....
The rest of the day was lovely! We saw Maid of Honor. Soooo cute!!! Gotta love seeing Scotland, and Patrick Dempsey...beautiful! A quick stop into Wegmans, that turned into an hour. Love that place! If you have never been, or go and have never tried their rocks. Really they are worth the extra time in the car, and even the extra $!
I received wonderful cards from the kids, and was able to purchase some new clothes, and a bathing suit to fit my new fuller, non fit self. Maybe that will change when I learn to walk on my own again...without the funky cane that accompanies me these days.
I have to say I had a great day, and look forward to spoiling my hubby on father's day!!!! I am planning already.
I go for a follow up visit to my surgeon this week. I am hoping he is please with my progress. I did have a set back last week but things can only get better:) I keep praying it will.
I just wanted to update a little. I know I write like I think...all over the place:) I am glad you checked in on me. I hope to hear from you soon:)
Hope you have a great week!!!!!!
Posted by beth at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
3 months of recovery...
It is hard to believe 3 months ago I had major back surgery. I must say it has been a rough road. God has been good, and I am taking 1 day at a time. It is important to stop and smell the roses frequently!!!!!
I have been doing physical therapy almost 5 days a week. I guess at some point I will loose the 30 LBS. I have gained since being disabled....just 1 at a time:)
I have been busy crafting. Candy making, card, and paper crafting, and my love jewelry making. It is relaxing to focus on crafts.
I have posted some of my art work on my ask momma blog. Check it out if you dare...
Thank you for checking in. Thank you for praying!!! It is encouragement from my family and friends that keeps me looking on to the light at the end of the tunnel!
Posted by beth at 12:42 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Please check out Alex's lemonade stand. Check the heros section and see if you recognize the 2nd hero.....
Pass this on :)
proud momma!!!
Posted by beth at 12:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I am honored!!
As many of u know I am actively a huge supporter of Alex's lemonade Stand. My family received a plaque telling us we were in the Top 100 Stands of 2007. It was a shock!!!
I love knowing my efforts helps families with sick kids. It is life changing when a doctor tells you your child has cancer. Beyond that a fog surrounds you and even 9 years later you still remember the day that changed your family forever.
There are many simple ways to help make a difference in life, why not give to a cause that can save lives, kids lives!
This has been an awesome honor! I can't wait to be able to have many more lemonade stands!
Posted by beth at 12:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
15 years ago
I had to blog today because 15 years ago I met the love of my life! It seems quite fitting it be on a day called fools day:)hahahaha!
He wasn't going to met the Americans coming to his church since he worked over night at his brothers taxi co. He got a second wind and took the big bus to meet several jr. high and sr. high kids along with youth leaders. Yes, I was in that leader bunch! After i got past understanding him talk we were talking for hours in a cold church hallway. those 5 days were life changing in many ways. I even swore off men before I went on this trip...should have known:) 6 months later we were married. There was visits in between and even a break when they are scared..You know what I mean:)
Even though our anniversary is October 29th, really today is special.
April fools day....what a world!
Posted by beth at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sunday, is rest
I have to say I look forward to Sunday. We don't have a church but we do use this day to rest. It is hard to find a church that you and your family fit in with. It is kinda sad but a reality.
Before my accident we started to go to a church in Medford. It was really far but we enjoyed everything about it. I had tried others closer to home but sad to say the people were not welcoming. I guess not a good start when looking for a church family. I guess this post is about the rest we enjoy as a family on Sunday. We hang out, eat together, take it easy, and just enjoy the day together. I am sure I will miss it when the kids don't want to just hang with us anymore. For now I am grateful:)
Next month the hunt begins for a new church. I am excited, and scared at the same time. The older you get the harder it is to step out of your comfort zone.
I am thankful for my friends I count on praying for me and I for them. The start of a new chapter in my life. New body, new church, new start:)
Posted by beth at 2:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Praying for our friends
I guess the past 10 years It has been easy to be consumed by life's trials. I do wonder why us, and give us a break God, p-l-e-a-s-e!!!!
I have watched friends go through tough times and I hope I have been an encouragement to them. As life goes on there will be many things that happen in our friends and family lives that will be difficult. I hope God has allowed the bad to happen in our lives to make us stronger, and to allow us to cling to Him tighter than ever. The best thing we have to help the one's we love is prayer. It goes along with encouraging words, and reaching out!
I value my friends and my family. Friends are special chosen individuals that over time you love just because.
Remember to reach out to your friends in time of need. Never be scared to let them know you are thinking about them. Most of all use an easy path of help....PRAYER!
You know who you are, I love you friend!
Posted by beth at 3:32 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The journey continues
This is me ready to go out to lunch.
Little piggies. I love them:)
Skye & Nanny, waiting at the doctors.
Emma the leprechaun.
Skye with her buddy Dr. Brescia! We love her!!!
Emma & mommy waiting in the car for daddy. Yes, we are still smiling...
I am at the 2 month mark post surgery. I started aquatic therapy. I feel amazing while I am in the pool!! When I am out is another story. I do feel so much better but I am not bouncing back as quickly as I had hoped. The last few weeks have brought many challenges.
A trip to Dupont Children's Hospital to visit our favorite rhematologist gave us good news about Skye. She is doing so much better. The methotrexate injection seems to be doing its job. Although we had a strep throat, and mono scare, she is as good as it gets:) Her Dr. Anne Marie Brescia is awesome!!!! This is a pic of her and Skye. I did tell her she was going to be a blog pic....She believed us when no one else would. Thank you!!!!!!
I drove for the 1st time tonight. I had to get to pt. It was exhausting. I will not be driving for awhile more. I just can't do it:(
My mom has been with me all day every day. She has been spectacular!!! Everything I usually do we do together. Like a fun trip to walmart for some secret goodies. She pushed my walker in a cart as I drove a scooter thing. I get looks like what is up with her. I just stick my tongue out!!(not really..hahaha)
I wore jeans for the 1st time in months. I felt like a new woman. I only wore them to lunch, and the pjs went back on the minute I stepped into the house.
I went out of the house 2 consecutive days. That is amazing since I have gone weeks in bed with a much needed shine of some vitamin D.
I have gone through the poor me, and why God. I am getting there. I can't say I don't want to feel better but not in my time...the best time is Gods time. I do have to remind myself often!
Posted by beth at 11:31 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
so ready for spring!!!
Thought if I added these flip flops spring would stay!!! Yeah for warm weather!!!!
Posted by beth at 11:39 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Time heals
It is hard to believe I am at the 1 month mark post major back surgery:) This week I go in for the big check up. I knew the recovery was going to be tough but I just want to run...... I am still using a walker to skooch around. I get the craziest looks from people!!!! I want to say just ask me, I have no secrets, hahahaha!!! I did tell a little boy it was my fancy skate board, he smiled like I was wacky. (good observation young man)
Skye started back to school 1/2 days. Next week full days. She was soooo ready! I did miss her today! Emma and I went to lunch with my mom today. She also helped me run a few errands. I find it hard to have to rely on others for everything. I know God has a lesson in there for me!!
I really wanted to read and catch up on paper work while I was down. I am just not motivated to go that direction. My big reads have been my Bible, and a computer book. I am in training to be a computer genius...hahaha! I am trying to get through 1Peter for a study. I guess I can say I either am very distracted or have adult ADD.
I am not in a rush to get back to my life post surgery. I am enjoying my friends and family. I guess the best way to describe it is I am embracing this time in my life! I just want to be 100% better before I do anything else in my life!!!!!
Today was beautiful and I was glad to have fresh air on my face! I look forward to nicer weather, and walks.
As the weeks go on I am sure I will continue to heal in many ways. This journey has been emotionally draining as well as physically trying! It is hard when mom is sick! My family has been troopers and stepped up to the challenge yet again!!!!!
Thank you for praying and checking in on us! I look forward to hearing from you.
Posted by beth at 12:23 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Just one of those days(weeks)!!!
It is hard to believe 3 weeks ago I was on a liquid diet getting ready for the surgery that would change my life forever!! (loosing 20lbs to date) The doctor said there would be good days and bad. I guess last week was good. This week I cannot say the same. I am hopeful I will start to have more of the better days:)
There are several factors in the healing process. I try to be realistic. I am sooo fortunate my faith and hope is in Christ! When I start to think I can do it , that is when I get my check back to who really is in charge.
1) attitude
5)laughter (holding a pillow tight to the belly)
6)reality tv (Rob&Big, Millionaire Matchmaker, Snoop Dog's fatherhood, and several more..)
7)hope in the word
8)love from my honey
9)a mom that is there no matter what(even though I am almost 40, I still call for mom 1st)
10) Facebook, myspace, blogs, & bookworm
There are several others but that gets the point across. Healing can only happen if you are willing to heal.
Over the past 3 weeks I think I have slept more than I have in my whole life. I am so tired. I am not the napping type. I would rather be busy!! I am just busy sleeping...hahaha!!!
Thank you for those who have helped with meals, carting my kids around, listening to me whine, sending cards, letters, and calling!!!! Keep the contact coming:)
Posted by beth at 8:25 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
I over did it....
The new me
Today was a great snow day!! I did stay in bed all day long.The kids trashed the downstairs...... Yesterday my mom took me out for lunch to Olive Garden.(my favorite!) I got this crazy burst of energy and asked her to take me to Steve and Barry's.(a great store in Deptford) She tried to talk me out of it but I told her I needed to get out!! I think stir crazy was the words I used. She was sympathetic. The store was having a great $8.89 sale. Everything in the store was $8.89, I swear!! I have lost almost 20 lbs since my surgery so I wanted to get some the new me clothes:) After the shopping, I was beat!! I immediately laid down for a nap.. I need a walker to get around so my legs need some work to be able to hold my body up. I got home and my belly was soooo sore. I felt like I was sucker punched several times. The pain followed through today, and the nurse reassured me I over did it:( I still have a lot of incision pain. I take way longer to heal since I have a bleeding disorder. My last surgery almost 6 years ago took me 4 + months to heal. It was a resection of my gall bladder. It was only suppose to take 4-6 weeks to heal. The doctor said 3-6 months this time. I am thinking 6+ months. I am really wanting to get better before I go back to work. I definitely want to keep my back healthy. I am looking forward to my friends coming for visits next week. I am not a stay at home lay about person, so this recovery has been hard on me mentally. Please pray for me! I will be staying in bed this weekend to relax! We will be enjoying the cold by staying in:) Have a great weekend!!!!!!! beth
Posted by beth at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Recovery is hard work!
I have been home now for 2 weeks. Every day is a little better. My back pain is down to an ache and my surgical pain is, well still there... I do depend on pain medicine daily but hope to ween soon...
I went out into the real world for lunch yesterday. Pf Changs is a favorite spot for us to go. It was a yummy lunch! I wish there were left overs:)
I need a walker to get around but I get there, slowly:) It was tiring. I do feel as though I will be getting a huge part of my life back once I am completely healed. That will be a full year to completely heal. I will never be like I was before but I might just be able to have a much better outcome due to surgery.
I have to say my family has been amazing!!!! Let me start with my little sister Jen. The day of surgery she came in and got me settled. She had worked at the hospital, so she let everyone know a VIP was coming in for back surgery..hahaha! I think she was the last person I remember seeing before I went to sleep. She brought a large fruit salad in for the staff and Drs. taking care of me.The nurses even came to visit my room to see how I was doing. She took control and made sure I was ok.! There is so much more she did, that is really just the tip of the iceburg.
My older sister came from Virginia to be with me. She was there when I went in and slept in a chair over night to make sure I was being taken care of properly. Actually both of my sisters slept in horrible chairs the 1st night. My little sister stayed the 2nd night too..
I really don't remember the 4 days after surgery. Lots of pain medicine, I think even crying might have been in there too. I did sleep,and use the little button when I had pain. Thank goodness for morphine! They were both so compassionate, and caring. I could not ask for better sisters!!!
My mom was taking care of the kids. Making sure they went to school, ate, and got lots of hugs and kisses. She continues to come everyday to help me with everything!!! She goes over and above the call of duty!
My niece Amy helped with the kids. Taking them to a family dinner at Emma's school. I will not miss any more of those:)
My kids sent cards, and called me. Just to hear their voices made me want to get better..
Of course my dear husband. He is such a blessing and a comfort to me! He keeps it all together, and never loose sight of GOD'S plan for us. He was there everyday. He even got me a new laptop for a get well/ valentines gift. God knew he was my perfect match, and 14 years later I still love him like crazy!!
The surgery went really well. The surgeons were awesome! They gave me a chance at an almost normal life:) They had a wonderful bed side manner, and actually cared. I know surgeons are not always wonderful people too. These guys were the best.!!!!
On March 6th I will be visiting the surgeon, and hematologist. I hope to be able to start pt shortly after.
Thank you for praying! I know from years of experience God is the only one who can get you safely through the hard times. I have seen it on more than a few occasions.
Please continue to pray for my recovery, and my daughter Skye.
Posted by beth at 9:11 AM 1 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Computers, and the web??????????
Please say a little prayer for my sanity!! I am trying to find a background that suited me better....I should have never messed with perfection!!!!!
I guess you can say I am a little stir crazy:)
Posted by beth at 10:14 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Home sweet home!!
Just a short hi and oh yeah I am home:) I have had a good day! I am tired and can NOT laugh. It hurts sooooo much. I have a hospital bed in my back room, and resting will be my friend for the next 3 months. I will post the surgery hospital story soon. Thanks for praying!!!
Posted by beth at 11:37 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Good News
My Mom has been out of surgrey for a little while and is doing very well.
She is doing ok right now. I just ask now that you pray that she will get a good night sleep and is going to feel good tomarrwo. I just thank you for praying for my mom.
I just ask that you ask your friends and family to pray for my mom while she is recorving for surgrey.
She will be able to have visitors soon.
Posted by beth at 9:17 PM 1 comments
My Mom went into surgrey an hour and a half ago. Were not going to hear for a little while so when i get good news I'll write it in the blog. Since my mom won't be home for a little bit I'll tell you how she is doing. In a few days I'll put a video of my mom after surgrey and how good she is going to be doing. My Dad just called and said she was very calm befor she went into surgrey.
Posted by beth at 10:10 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Bed time??!!
I am sitting with my family before I go tomorrow for a life changing back surgery. My belly is growling, and I am soooo hungry! I made the family a lovely steak, potato, and veggies dinner. They all enjoyed it as I ate jelly, and a cup of tea..yummy:(
My sister is here from Va. and has been hanging out for most of the day. My little sister, and parents also have visited tonight. I have had several friends, call, text, and e-mail.(thank you)
I am ready, a little weak, mentally and physically. I have been thinking about my family, and some what ifs. I am soo thankful for my God, my family, and my friends!!!
I know God wrote this before I was ever on this earth. I know that is the truth! Please pray for me, and my family.
The surgery will be at least 5 hours long. I have to be there at 7am.(not bad)
I just wanted to update. Thank you to those checking in on my family!
In the bible there is a verse that talks about there is a time.... I have peace and whatever God has in store is what is best for my family, and I.
I hope to be back in action asap but I will take my time recovering..
see you!!! Oh yeah, its time for bed:)
Posted by beth at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Facebook help pages
This is the face of a crazy woman!!!!!!
I was thinking about the old, and new friends I have had contact with on the wild world of the internet!!! I recently set up 3 pages on facebook.
1) Von Willebrande Disease-(vwd) This is one of several bleeding disorders in our world. It affects 1% of the population, men and women. This page is for information, venting about how if affects us, and just a place to let you know you are not alone. There is another page by someone else but vwd will get you to mine. If you have a family member with this disease you might want to send them to this page. I was diagnosed only 4 years ago. I bled out at home after my 3rd child. My oldest actually found me in a horrible state and had to get help. Many doctors don't believe in testing, and only in the last 20 years have there been breaking research to confirm the disaster it can cause. If you have heavy bleeds, and bruise like a peach there is testing, it may save you and your family a lot of pain. If you have it there is a 50% chance your children have it too. There are few bleeding centers but Philadelphia has 2. I am only type 1, so I need checking yearly, and have had extra vaccines for precaution. I am hoping to have people share stories so others can learn, and be aware of the help out there. 2) CRMO- a rare auto immune disease. This is usually diagnosed after the age of 10. It is hard to diagnose like, MS, and Lupas. There is little information on CRMO, and the treatment depends on the response the child has to the drugs. This site is also for education, venting, and a place to know you are not alone. CRMO cause lesions on the bones near or on the growth plates. If a child falls and breaks the bone in that are the way to fix it is screws, and bars to keep the bones growing. It causes severe pain, and swelling. The meds are almost worse than the disease.. Skye was diagnosed last year. It took several doctors over 4 years to find out it was not just "growing pains". She is 1 in 1 million who have CRMO.(chronic recurrent multifocal osteomylitis) 3) LBCA, or as those who went to this small school Lower Bucks Christian Academy. I set this up to get in touch with old friends that went to the small Christian school that shut down 3 years after I graduated. I could not find a page for my school so I did the next best thing. SET IT UP MYSELF!!!!! It has attracted 23 alumnus. There has been great chat, and some of the photos should be burned:) This school was in Levittown, Pa.
I welcome you to check out these pages and thank you for bearing with me on my road to embracing the world wide web.....
Posted by beth at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Just 3 more days!!!
Skye, and baby Jacky after his 1st haircut!!She is a great babysitter!!!
Waiting for the doctor...This was a long day in Delaware....What a trooper. MY HERO!!!!Emma, Skye, Cameron, Nate, Andy,(nephews) Jonah, and Luke.(my friends babies)
It is not like I am counting, but only 3 days till my life changing back surgery. I have my precious little girl Skye home for the next month too. Her auto immune disease is getting the best of her. Her meds are kicking her butt and wearing her down. PLEASE PRAY!!!!! She has a long list of meds she must take. Fridays are the worst with an injection. It will hurt her immune system, and has horrible side affects.(methotrexate, a chemo drug too) I just put her in a bath in hopes to help her relax. It pains me to see her in pain, and discomfort. I have been planning my family's lives for the next 2 months. I have made lists, set up back ups, and taking lots of help from wonderful friends and family. I am looking forward to a fun and healthy spring, and summer. If you know our family history we have had our share of hospital stays, illness, and as the world says misfortune. We know God has a plan and He will bless us no matter the issue. We pray for the support of prayer to get us through this next phase. I would appreciate you ask friends and family to add us to their prayer lists.(THANK YOU) My daughter Skye will be updating over the next few weeks till I can. She would like comments of encouragement. She is a 9 year old but really 15 trapped in a 9 year old person...:) Keep in touch. I will try to get 1 more update in before Wednesday. Monday starts the strict pre surgical diet. Liquid food.... Just so you know, I am having a single level disc replacement, and a single level fusion.
Posted by beth at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
Finally Friday!!!!
We are counting the days till my surgery.
Here is what is ahead:
-weekend hanging out with my family.
-superbowl, limited snacks due to special pre surgical diet.
-giving Skye her new meds. She now needs to take an injection on Fridays. This will have its side affects too, but we are going to try to keep her well:)
-Saturday swimming practice. Early to rise:(
-getting mentally prepared for surgery.
-Just being mom, wife, and chef
Posted by beth at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Tick, tick, tick...
I am counting the days till back surgery. I am trying to get the family in order, and visiting with family, and friends. I am tired and lately my pain has been tough. I think I look a little older than 25...(hahahaha)
The kids had the weekend off from swimming. We all slept in !!!!!!!!
This is good since I can't sleep without help..
If you could I have specific prayers:
1) Emma has terrible eczema(spell?) I can get her something to help the itch, and see a dermatalogist asap.
2)the drs can get Skyes meds sorted before surgery.Less belly pain, and just pain in general.
3) guidance for the surgical team that will perform a non fda approved disc replacement.
4) my family will be safe, and get on with life smoothly with mom out of commission.
Thank you sooooo much.
I would appreciate if you asked frinds and family to pray for us:)
Posted by beth at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Getting organized
This is Emma hard at work on Barbie.comIs this Miley getting ready for her fans???
Me and my girl. She is almost as tall as me!!!
Is this the Adams family???No, it is the Robertsons.
It is hard to believe only 2 weeks on Wednesday till surgery. I have the presurgical testing this week. I have to get approval from my Hematologist too. I really dislike needles, especially since it is almost impossible to find a nice vein to sink into.
I have been trying to get a list together for all of the families activities. Who goes here, who take medicine, who has tests, reports, responsibilities, and all the things a mom does to run a family. Stewart keeps saying aha aha, I hope he is really listening.... :)
I also am trying to see friends, and stock up for a long winter. I will just say I am modeling after a squirrel..hahahahaha.
I am counting on the bigger kids to keep up with their rooms, packing lunches, helping out dad a little more, and keeping Emma busy. I should be home within 5 days.
Once I start healing then PT will begin. FUN!!
I know there will be something I will forget, but my friends and family will have to take over. My sisters are both coming to be a support. My older sister is coming from VA. I am hoping she will come the night before. We always have a great time talking. She is also a friend!!!
The 3 days before I have to follow a diet to help with the surgery. I am sure I will be very hungry by that morning . I love food so I am hungry just thinking about it.
I am asking everyone to pray for my family, the hands of the surgeons, and me.
Life is short but I want to make sure I have no loose ends before Feb.6th. God is good and has shown our family so many miracles. They go back to when Stewart and I were married just 6 months. He had measles, and the doctor said if he lives we will never have children.(we got 4 miracles:) There are so many I just can't even count them all. I am so thankful for them all though!!!!
The kids have a swim meet 2 days after my surgery. I am not happy that I will be missing it. Daddy will take them and I will have him take the video. They are doing well and I am so proud of their hard work.
I have set up support sites on facebook for the 2 diseases my family have. 1 is the bleeding disorder I have.(1% of people have) CRMO the disease my 1st daughter has.(1 in 1million)
I hope when I am better to be a support to people suffering with these illnesses. I am trying to get people to share so they will not feel alone.
I am getting ready for bed, and will leave more before surgery. I will have my older daughter blog for me while I cannot. She loves to write.
Keep in touch and please ask your friends and families to pray for us.
Thank you
Isaiah 41:10
"Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God! I will strengthen you; YES, I will help you; Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness"
Posted by beth at 8:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
These are 2 old posts.(just learning)2007
September 13 Cameron' s birthdayIt is early in the morning. By this time 10 years ago I was still waiting for my little boy to be born. He is so big and such a handsome boy. He is excited about his birthday, and his big cousin shares the day with him. Tonight will be homemade chili, and lots of cake!!!! This week Emma started pre K monday. She loves school. Stewart is abroad for work. This is our 1st time all being apart for such a long time.. The kids are really sad.(me too.) I am holding the fort together with my neice. Skye has not been feeling well lately. I am praying she can stay in school. They are so great about helping her out. I will enter more this week. Looking foward to hearing from u all. beth we moved last year. August 29 This is a firstHello! I thought this would be a great way to keep up with everyone near and far. This summer I started a management position with a very popular coffee comany. It has been great, exhausting but great.!:) The kids are growing sooooo fast it is unbelievable. Time surely flies by. Cameron is turning 10 this september. He is also in his 8th year of remission from cancer. This summer he went to the survivorship clinic at CHOP. It was wonderful. He is cured!!!Yeah GOD!!!!!!! I must say it has been a long and trying road. I am sure that is why Stewart and I are what we have become. That is believing God has control completly. Our time is not always God's time. It is ok to be discouraged and annoyed, we are human.... Otherwise, Cameron is a handsome boy, with a great sense of humor. He is popular and friendly. He is an athelete, and 100% all boy. I would like to bubble wrap him sometimes,hahaha. Then we have our girl Skye. I call her my middlest. She thinks that is funny...(for now) She will be 9 in October. She is tall and LOVELEY!!!! She is a swimmer, and should be and actress. You would not beleive the drama this girl put forth..hahahaha. This winter she was ill. She has a rare auto immune disorder. It was hard for the Drs. to diagnose. She had surgery on her knee, and had to be in a wheel chair for 3 months, as well as missed school, and be in her bed. She was strong and perservered. It was hard to watch another child of ours to a sickness. It is maintain with daily meds. She does miss alot of school, and has several not so good days. She works hard in school and does well, she is an excellent swimmer! She went to camp this summer with her brother.( Ronald Mcdonald camp) They were gone for a week. We missed them. Emma was home with us, and of course was spoiled more than usual. Skye will be swimming this winter since this is the only sport that is easy on her joints. They start back at school soon. YEAH!!!!!!!!They are happy too. Miss Emma wil be 5 on halloween. She is my little witch, I mean princess.. She will be in pre K. It is hard to believe she is not a baby anymore.. She is fresh and fiesty. I don't know where she gets it from????!!!! She took swimming this summer and loved it. She is ulta social and even more independent. She knows what she wants all the time. She is a clever cookie, and I am sure she will love learning in Pre-K. We as a family are ok. Life has been busy since we are both working full time. My mom has been a huge help. Amy too!!! I will be having my back fixed soon. I am just waiting to see what all my options are. I have been living with this pain for over a year so pain releif is definetly welcomed... Stewart is coaching Camerons soccer team. He is really enjoying his time coaching. Cameron loves having his dad be the coach too.! I will continue to post what is up. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. take care, The Robertson family |
Posted by beth at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
link about CRMO
A few friends wanted to understand Skye's disease. If you google CRMO you can find the limited info about it.
Posted by beth at 9:01 PM 0 comments
What a blessing!
Today was a see my long lost friends day. 2 of my very good friends came over with there babies. It was great to hang out, eat, and have excellent conversation! It was also great to have babies in a house that is now far from child proofed. My friend Janet was one of my very dear friends that came over. Her blog, and brother-in-laws blogs are excellent. Their family are a true inspiration of faith, hope, and love!! It is best to go to and read for yourself. I have a link for her brother-in-law in the side bar. You can follow his blog to read hers and the rest of the family. I would challenge you to read and pray.
The kids and I are busy watching a movie on the Disney channel. I didn't go anywhere today, and I am exhausted!! I did make a lovely home cooked meal with mashed potatoes. I have been able to watch several cooking show to better my skills:)
Emma my 5 year old has a 101 fever, and Skye just got her new wheels. (her wheel chair) It is to keep her safer in school.
I am counting down the days till I can feel good as new. Please pray for me on feb.6th, surgery day.
Check out those other blogs!!!
Posted by beth at 8:19 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Exhausted by another weekend
The kids had a swim meet this weekend. They both swam Sat., and Sun. Skye started her new meds on Friday. It is a steroid and can have undesirable side affects. We are praying for none... She did swim a 100 meter back stroke and finished it. I was really amazed by her determination. She did need pain meds when she got home and also took a 2 hour nap. I couldn't even swim a lap without passing out..hahahaha the thought is hysterical!
Posted by beth at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
please go to..
I have a wonderfully touching blog for you to look at. It is a good friends family. They have been touched by Gods many blessings with a long road ahead. Please join in and pray with us.
Posted by beth at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
time for change
Today was busy! Skye has 2 new lesions on her right leg. It is hard for her to walk, and crutches are aiding her. They are on the bone so they swelling on her leg is all we see. Her meds change this weekend. The doctor is confident they will help. (Steroids, and Zantac.)
Posted by beth at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Day at Dupont
Today Skye and I spent the day at Dupont Children's Hospital in Delaware. Skye has not been feeling well. She has a rare childhood auto immune disease that wants to come out and play. If all goes well she will grow out of it by the time she is 18. Long wait... hahaha! We spent the day waiting , blood work, waiting, x-rays, and waiting.. then cafeteria lunch. (yummy)
Posted by beth at 12:03 AM 0 comments