Sunday, February 3, 2008

Facebook help pages

This is the face of a crazy woman!!!!!!

I was thinking about the old, and new friends I have had contact with on the wild world of the internet!!! I recently set up 3 pages on facebook.
1) Von Willebrande Disease-(vwd) This is one of several bleeding disorders in our world. It affects 1% of the population, men and women. This page is for information, venting about how if affects us, and just a place to let you know you are not alone. There is another page by someone else but vwd will get you to mine. If you have a family member with this disease you might want to send them to this page. I was diagnosed only 4 years ago. I bled out at home after my 3rd child. My oldest actually found me in a horrible state and had to get help. Many doctors don't believe in testing, and only in the last 20 years have there been breaking research to confirm the disaster it can cause. If you have heavy bleeds, and bruise like a peach there is testing, it may save you and your family a lot of pain. If you have it there is a 50% chance your children have it too. There are few bleeding centers but Philadelphia has 2. I am only type 1, so I need checking yearly, and have had extra vaccines for precaution. I am hoping to have people share stories so others can learn, and be aware of the help out there. 2) CRMO- a rare auto immune disease. This is usually diagnosed after the age of 10. It is hard to diagnose like, MS, and Lupas. There is little information on CRMO, and the treatment depends on the response the child has to the drugs. This site is also for education, venting, and a place to know you are not alone. CRMO cause lesions on the bones near or on the growth plates. If a child falls and breaks the bone in that are the way to fix it is screws, and bars to keep the bones growing. It causes severe pain, and swelling. The meds are almost worse than the disease.. Skye was diagnosed last year. It took several doctors over 4 years to find out it was not just "growing pains". She is 1 in 1 million who have CRMO.(chronic recurrent multifocal osteomylitis) 3) LBCA, or as those who went to this small school Lower Bucks Christian Academy. I set this up to get in touch with old friends that went to the small Christian school that shut down 3 years after I graduated. I could not find a page for my school so I did the next best thing. SET IT UP MYSELF!!!!! It has attracted 23 alumnus. There has been great chat, and some of the photos should be burned:) This school was in Levittown, Pa.
I welcome you to check out these pages and thank you for bearing with me on my road to embracing the world wide web.....