Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday, is rest

I have to say I look forward to Sunday. We don't have a church but we do use this day to rest. It is hard to find a church that you and your family fit in with. It is kinda sad but a reality.
Before my accident we started to go to a church in Medford. It was really far but we enjoyed everything about it. I had tried others closer to home but sad to say the people were not welcoming. I guess not a good start when looking for a church family. I guess this post is about the rest we enjoy as a family on Sunday. We hang out, eat together, take it easy, and just enjoy the day together. I am sure I will miss it when the kids don't want to just hang with us anymore. For now I am grateful:)
Next month the hunt begins for a new church. I am excited, and scared at the same time. The older you get the harder it is to step out of your comfort zone.
I am thankful for my friends I count on praying for me and I for them. The start of a new chapter in my life. New body, new church, new start:)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Praying for our friends

I guess the past 10 years It has been easy to be consumed by life's trials. I do wonder why us, and give us a break God, p-l-e-a-s-e!!!!
I have watched friends go through tough times and I hope I have been an encouragement to them. As life goes on there will be many things that happen in our friends and family lives that will be difficult. I hope God has allowed the bad to happen in our lives to make us stronger, and to allow us to cling to Him tighter than ever. The best thing we have to help the one's we love is prayer. It goes along with encouraging words, and reaching out!
I value my friends and my family. Friends are special chosen individuals that over time you love just because.
Remember to reach out to your friends in time of need. Never be scared to let them know you are thinking about them. Most of all use an easy path of help....PRAYER!
You know who you are, I love you friend!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The journey continues

This is me ready to go out to lunch.
Little piggies. I love them:)
Skye & Nanny, waiting at the doctors.
Emma the leprechaun.
Skye with her buddy Dr. Brescia! We love her!!!
Emma & mommy waiting in the car for daddy. Yes, we are still smiling...
I am at the 2 month mark post surgery. I started aquatic therapy. I feel amazing while I am in the pool!! When I am out is another story. I do feel so much better but I am not bouncing back as quickly as I had hoped. The last few weeks have brought many challenges.
A trip to Dupont Children's Hospital to visit our favorite rhematologist gave us good news about Skye. She is doing so much better. The methotrexate injection seems to be doing its job. Although we had a strep throat, and mono scare, she is as good as it gets:) Her Dr. Anne Marie Brescia is awesome!!!! This is a pic of her and Skye. I did tell her she was going to be a blog pic....She believed us when no one else would. Thank you!!!!!!
I drove for the 1st time tonight. I had to get to pt. It was exhausting. I will not be driving for awhile more. I just can't do it:(
My mom has been with me all day every day. She has been spectacular!!! Everything I usually do we do together. Like a fun trip to walmart for some secret goodies. She pushed my walker in a cart as I drove a scooter thing. I get looks like what is up with her. I just stick my tongue out!!(not really..hahaha)
I wore jeans for the 1st time in months. I felt like a new woman. I only wore them to lunch, and the pjs went back on the minute I stepped into the house.
I went out of the house 2 consecutive days. That is amazing since I have gone weeks in bed with a much needed shine of some vitamin D.
I have gone through the poor me, and why God. I am getting there. I can't say I don't want to feel better but not in my time...the best time is Gods time. I do have to remind myself often!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

so ready for spring!!!

Thought if I added these flip flops spring would stay!!! Yeah for warm weather!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Time heals

It is hard to believe I am at the 1 month mark post major back surgery:) This week I go in for the big check up. I knew the recovery was going to be tough but I just want to run...... I am still using a walker to skooch around. I get the craziest looks from people!!!! I want to say just ask me, I have no secrets, hahahaha!!! I did tell a little boy it was my fancy skate board, he smiled like I was wacky. (good observation young man)
Skye started back to school 1/2 days. Next week full days. She was soooo ready! I did miss her today! Emma and I went to lunch with my mom today. She also helped me run a few errands. I find it hard to have to rely on others for everything. I know God has a lesson in there for me!!
I really wanted to read and catch up on paper work while I was down. I am just not motivated to go that direction. My big reads have been my Bible, and a computer book. I am in training to be a computer genius...hahaha! I am trying to get through 1Peter for a study. I guess I can say I either am very distracted or have adult ADD.
I am not in a rush to get back to my life post surgery. I am enjoying my friends and family. I guess the best way to describe it is I am embracing this time in my life! I just want to be 100% better before I do anything else in my life!!!!!
Today was beautiful and I was glad to have fresh air on my face! I look forward to nicer weather, and walks.
As the weeks go on I am sure I will continue to heal in many ways. This journey has been emotionally draining as well as physically trying! It is hard when mom is sick! My family has been troopers and stepped up to the challenge yet again!!!!!
Thank you for praying and checking in on us! I look forward to hearing from you.