Sunday, May 11, 2008

Another Mother's day!!

Mommy and Little Miss Emma, future star!!!!
I am exhausted from a wonderful day!
I slept in, was waited on, went to the movies, hung out with my baby sister, had dinner with her family, my mom and dad, and my family, and checked pictures of what chicken pox looks like....
This of course was a unexpected way to spend the last moments of mother's day. The rash showed up on my son. I am trying not to over react since I am not sure if it is the pox. No fever, no full body coverage, and no itching...yet:) There has been a few cases floating around school, and the kids have had the shots but they can still get a mild case. That would mean no swim meets, no school, and no going out. Needless to say he is upset, and I will just have to wait till the morning to freak....
The rest of the day was lovely! We saw Maid of Honor. Soooo cute!!! Gotta love seeing Scotland, and Patrick Dempsey...beautiful! A quick stop into Wegmans, that turned into an hour. Love that place! If you have never been, or go and have never tried their rocks. Really they are worth the extra time in the car, and even the extra $!
I received wonderful cards from the kids, and was able to purchase some new clothes, and a bathing suit to fit my new fuller, non fit self. Maybe that will change when I learn to walk on my own again...without the funky cane that accompanies me these days.
I have to say I had a great day, and look forward to spoiling my hubby on father's day!!!! I am planning already.
I go for a follow up visit to my surgeon this week. I am hoping he is please with my progress. I did have a set back last week but things can only get better:) I keep praying it will.
I just wanted to update a little. I know I write like I think...all over the place:) I am glad you checked in on me. I hope to hear from you soon:)
Hope you have a great week!!!!!!