Sunday, January 13, 2008

Exhausted by another weekend

The kids had a swim meet this weekend. They both swam Sat., and Sun. Skye started her new meds on Friday. It is a steroid  and can have undesirable side affects. We are praying for none... She did swim a 100 meter back stroke and finished it. I was really amazed by her determination. She did need pain meds when she got home and also took a 2 hour nap.  I couldn't even swim a lap without passing out..hahahaha the thought is hysterical!

Emma and I slept on a chair once we got to the meet for at least an hour. When I woke up I was hoping I didn't drool or snore in public :) Luckily the meet was done by 11am.
At the end of the month Skye will have a bone scan and her meds will be tweeked again.
 I must say Cameron and Skye are growing way too fast for me. I am really enjoying theses little pre teen people. Gosh I love them sooooo much!!!! I love Emma too but we are luckily still at a mommy and wee girl level. I think a bubble for her is needed... I am so thankful and blessed to have each one of them. They add so much to my life. 
I am getting ready for my back surgery, please pray it is approved. I can't wait to not have the level of pain I have had to live with for almost 2 years. I also want to get back to doing some of my hobbies, and traveling would be nice too.
I think I might even try to swim so we can do this as a family. Good exercise too.

 I hope  to keep this blog going while I am out of commission. I love hearing from you. I might even get Skye to do my updates. She loves to write.
I will post updated photos next week.  My computer has been down so I am using the kids.
Did you check out the other blogs???You will be changed forever, I promise!!!!!