It is hard to believe 3 weeks ago I was on a liquid diet getting ready for the surgery that would change my life forever!! (loosing 20lbs to date) The doctor said there would be good days and bad. I guess last week was good. This week I cannot say the same. I am hopeful I will start to have more of the better days:)
There are several factors in the healing process. I try to be realistic. I am sooo fortunate my faith and hope is in Christ! When I start to think I can do it , that is when I get my check back to who really is in charge.
1) attitude
5)laughter (holding a pillow tight to the belly)
6)reality tv (Rob&Big, Millionaire Matchmaker, Snoop Dog's fatherhood, and several more..)
7)hope in the word
8)love from my honey
9)a mom that is there no matter what(even though I am almost 40, I still call for mom 1st)
10) Facebook, myspace, blogs, & bookworm
There are several others but that gets the point across. Healing can only happen if you are willing to heal.
Over the past 3 weeks I think I have slept more than I have in my whole life. I am so tired. I am not the napping type. I would rather be busy!! I am just busy sleeping...hahaha!!!
Thank you for those who have helped with meals, carting my kids around, listening to me whine, sending cards, letters, and calling!!!! Keep the contact coming:)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Just one of those days(weeks)!!!
Posted by beth at 8:25 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
I over did it....
The new me
Today was a great snow day!! I did stay in bed all day long.The kids trashed the downstairs...... Yesterday my mom took me out for lunch to Olive Garden.(my favorite!) I got this crazy burst of energy and asked her to take me to Steve and Barry's.(a great store in Deptford) She tried to talk me out of it but I told her I needed to get out!! I think stir crazy was the words I used. She was sympathetic. The store was having a great $8.89 sale. Everything in the store was $8.89, I swear!! I have lost almost 20 lbs since my surgery so I wanted to get some the new me clothes:) After the shopping, I was beat!! I immediately laid down for a nap.. I need a walker to get around so my legs need some work to be able to hold my body up. I got home and my belly was soooo sore. I felt like I was sucker punched several times. The pain followed through today, and the nurse reassured me I over did it:( I still have a lot of incision pain. I take way longer to heal since I have a bleeding disorder. My last surgery almost 6 years ago took me 4 + months to heal. It was a resection of my gall bladder. It was only suppose to take 4-6 weeks to heal. The doctor said 3-6 months this time. I am thinking 6+ months. I am really wanting to get better before I go back to work. I definitely want to keep my back healthy. I am looking forward to my friends coming for visits next week. I am not a stay at home lay about person, so this recovery has been hard on me mentally. Please pray for me! I will be staying in bed this weekend to relax! We will be enjoying the cold by staying in:) Have a great weekend!!!!!!! beth
Posted by beth at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Recovery is hard work!
I have been home now for 2 weeks. Every day is a little better. My back pain is down to an ache and my surgical pain is, well still there... I do depend on pain medicine daily but hope to ween soon...
I went out into the real world for lunch yesterday. Pf Changs is a favorite spot for us to go. It was a yummy lunch! I wish there were left overs:)
I need a walker to get around but I get there, slowly:) It was tiring. I do feel as though I will be getting a huge part of my life back once I am completely healed. That will be a full year to completely heal. I will never be like I was before but I might just be able to have a much better outcome due to surgery.
I have to say my family has been amazing!!!! Let me start with my little sister Jen. The day of surgery she came in and got me settled. She had worked at the hospital, so she let everyone know a VIP was coming in for back surgery..hahaha! I think she was the last person I remember seeing before I went to sleep. She brought a large fruit salad in for the staff and Drs. taking care of me.The nurses even came to visit my room to see how I was doing. She took control and made sure I was ok.! There is so much more she did, that is really just the tip of the iceburg.
My older sister came from Virginia to be with me. She was there when I went in and slept in a chair over night to make sure I was being taken care of properly. Actually both of my sisters slept in horrible chairs the 1st night. My little sister stayed the 2nd night too..
I really don't remember the 4 days after surgery. Lots of pain medicine, I think even crying might have been in there too. I did sleep,and use the little button when I had pain. Thank goodness for morphine! They were both so compassionate, and caring. I could not ask for better sisters!!!
My mom was taking care of the kids. Making sure they went to school, ate, and got lots of hugs and kisses. She continues to come everyday to help me with everything!!! She goes over and above the call of duty!
My niece Amy helped with the kids. Taking them to a family dinner at Emma's school. I will not miss any more of those:)
My kids sent cards, and called me. Just to hear their voices made me want to get better..
Of course my dear husband. He is such a blessing and a comfort to me! He keeps it all together, and never loose sight of GOD'S plan for us. He was there everyday. He even got me a new laptop for a get well/ valentines gift. God knew he was my perfect match, and 14 years later I still love him like crazy!!
The surgery went really well. The surgeons were awesome! They gave me a chance at an almost normal life:) They had a wonderful bed side manner, and actually cared. I know surgeons are not always wonderful people too. These guys were the best.!!!!
On March 6th I will be visiting the surgeon, and hematologist. I hope to be able to start pt shortly after.
Thank you for praying! I know from years of experience God is the only one who can get you safely through the hard times. I have seen it on more than a few occasions.
Please continue to pray for my recovery, and my daughter Skye.
Posted by beth at 9:11 AM 1 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Computers, and the web??????????
Please say a little prayer for my sanity!! I am trying to find a background that suited me better....I should have never messed with perfection!!!!!
I guess you can say I am a little stir crazy:)
Posted by beth at 10:14 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Home sweet home!!
Just a short hi and oh yeah I am home:) I have had a good day! I am tired and can NOT laugh. It hurts sooooo much. I have a hospital bed in my back room, and resting will be my friend for the next 3 months. I will post the surgery hospital story soon. Thanks for praying!!!
Posted by beth at 11:37 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Good News
My Mom has been out of surgrey for a little while and is doing very well.
She is doing ok right now. I just ask now that you pray that she will get a good night sleep and is going to feel good tomarrwo. I just thank you for praying for my mom.
I just ask that you ask your friends and family to pray for my mom while she is recorving for surgrey.
She will be able to have visitors soon.
Posted by beth at 9:17 PM 1 comments
My Mom went into surgrey an hour and a half ago. Were not going to hear for a little while so when i get good news I'll write it in the blog. Since my mom won't be home for a little bit I'll tell you how she is doing. In a few days I'll put a video of my mom after surgrey and how good she is going to be doing. My Dad just called and said she was very calm befor she went into surgrey.
Posted by beth at 10:10 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Bed time??!!
I am sitting with my family before I go tomorrow for a life changing back surgery. My belly is growling, and I am soooo hungry! I made the family a lovely steak, potato, and veggies dinner. They all enjoyed it as I ate jelly, and a cup of tea..yummy:(
My sister is here from Va. and has been hanging out for most of the day. My little sister, and parents also have visited tonight. I have had several friends, call, text, and e-mail.(thank you)
I am ready, a little weak, mentally and physically. I have been thinking about my family, and some what ifs. I am soo thankful for my God, my family, and my friends!!!
I know God wrote this before I was ever on this earth. I know that is the truth! Please pray for me, and my family.
The surgery will be at least 5 hours long. I have to be there at 7am.(not bad)
I just wanted to update. Thank you to those checking in on my family!
In the bible there is a verse that talks about there is a time.... I have peace and whatever God has in store is what is best for my family, and I.
I hope to be back in action asap but I will take my time recovering..
see you!!! Oh yeah, its time for bed:)
Posted by beth at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Facebook help pages
This is the face of a crazy woman!!!!!!
I was thinking about the old, and new friends I have had contact with on the wild world of the internet!!! I recently set up 3 pages on facebook.
1) Von Willebrande Disease-(vwd) This is one of several bleeding disorders in our world. It affects 1% of the population, men and women. This page is for information, venting about how if affects us, and just a place to let you know you are not alone. There is another page by someone else but vwd will get you to mine. If you have a family member with this disease you might want to send them to this page. I was diagnosed only 4 years ago. I bled out at home after my 3rd child. My oldest actually found me in a horrible state and had to get help. Many doctors don't believe in testing, and only in the last 20 years have there been breaking research to confirm the disaster it can cause. If you have heavy bleeds, and bruise like a peach there is testing, it may save you and your family a lot of pain. If you have it there is a 50% chance your children have it too. There are few bleeding centers but Philadelphia has 2. I am only type 1, so I need checking yearly, and have had extra vaccines for precaution. I am hoping to have people share stories so others can learn, and be aware of the help out there. 2) CRMO- a rare auto immune disease. This is usually diagnosed after the age of 10. It is hard to diagnose like, MS, and Lupas. There is little information on CRMO, and the treatment depends on the response the child has to the drugs. This site is also for education, venting, and a place to know you are not alone. CRMO cause lesions on the bones near or on the growth plates. If a child falls and breaks the bone in that are the way to fix it is screws, and bars to keep the bones growing. It causes severe pain, and swelling. The meds are almost worse than the disease.. Skye was diagnosed last year. It took several doctors over 4 years to find out it was not just "growing pains". She is 1 in 1 million who have CRMO.(chronic recurrent multifocal osteomylitis) 3) LBCA, or as those who went to this small school Lower Bucks Christian Academy. I set this up to get in touch with old friends that went to the small Christian school that shut down 3 years after I graduated. I could not find a page for my school so I did the next best thing. SET IT UP MYSELF!!!!! It has attracted 23 alumnus. There has been great chat, and some of the photos should be burned:) This school was in Levittown, Pa.
I welcome you to check out these pages and thank you for bearing with me on my road to embracing the world wide web.....
Posted by beth at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Just 3 more days!!!
Skye, and baby Jacky after his 1st haircut!!She is a great babysitter!!!
Waiting for the doctor...This was a long day in Delaware....What a trooper. MY HERO!!!!Emma, Skye, Cameron, Nate, Andy,(nephews) Jonah, and Luke.(my friends babies)
It is not like I am counting, but only 3 days till my life changing back surgery. I have my precious little girl Skye home for the next month too. Her auto immune disease is getting the best of her. Her meds are kicking her butt and wearing her down. PLEASE PRAY!!!!! She has a long list of meds she must take. Fridays are the worst with an injection. It will hurt her immune system, and has horrible side affects.(methotrexate, a chemo drug too) I just put her in a bath in hopes to help her relax. It pains me to see her in pain, and discomfort. I have been planning my family's lives for the next 2 months. I have made lists, set up back ups, and taking lots of help from wonderful friends and family. I am looking forward to a fun and healthy spring, and summer. If you know our family history we have had our share of hospital stays, illness, and as the world says misfortune. We know God has a plan and He will bless us no matter the issue. We pray for the support of prayer to get us through this next phase. I would appreciate you ask friends and family to add us to their prayer lists.(THANK YOU) My daughter Skye will be updating over the next few weeks till I can. She would like comments of encouragement. She is a 9 year old but really 15 trapped in a 9 year old person...:) Keep in touch. I will try to get 1 more update in before Wednesday. Monday starts the strict pre surgical diet. Liquid food.... Just so you know, I am having a single level disc replacement, and a single level fusion.
Posted by beth at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
Finally Friday!!!!
We are counting the days till my surgery.
Here is what is ahead:
-weekend hanging out with my family.
-superbowl, limited snacks due to special pre surgical diet.
-giving Skye her new meds. She now needs to take an injection on Fridays. This will have its side affects too, but we are going to try to keep her well:)
-Saturday swimming practice. Early to rise:(
-getting mentally prepared for surgery.
-Just being mom, wife, and chef
Posted by beth at 7:00 AM 1 comments