This is from the summer. The big kids were going to camp for a week. They had a great time. We missed them!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Finally a photo
Posted by beth at 7:28 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Another year to welcome!
It is hard to believe another Christmas has passed. The kids were so excited and they really had a wonderful day! They were pleased with all their presents. Stewart and I always enjoy watching them on Christmas day. We are soooo blessed!!!
We spent the day with family, eating, laughing, oh yeah and eating:) I haven't been feeling that great and the anticipation of a New Year only brings us hope of health. It's funny how as you get older priorities change so much. The next few days we are going to just hang out and enjoy our toys from santa.
One of the favorite toys was guitar hero for the xbox360. I even went to buy a second guitar for 2 players. I plan on getting good enough to make it a career.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! The kids cheer me on and it makes me laugh. I do tell them at one time I was cool:) They don't seem to believe me....
Tomorrow is the welcoming of a new and exciting year. I am ready for the kids to get back to school. I am not up to activity so resting has been a welcomed activity. I read the Kite Runner in 2 days, and want to start several other books. I seem to get too engrossed.. By the way it was an excellent book. I cried alot! To me a book that brings all of your emotions out is truly excellent. I don't think I will see the movie.
I will update soon hopefully with photos.
Posted by beth at 9:31 PM 2 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
2nd day of NJ State meet
Yesterday was the 1st day of the 2 day NJ State swim meet. From ages 8 and under up to 18 there are around 900 kids. WOW!! It is amazing how smooth they run. It is a lot of work for the organizers. Both Cameron and Skye swam. They did well! Cameron's relay team came in 2nd for his age group. He also came in 13th over all for a 100 meter freestyle. Think there was about 80 boys in that group. Today Stewart will take them since I am not up to going out in the cold weather. Good luck to them getting there...Stewart has a poor sense of direction. I hope my navigation system really works..hahaha!
It is hard to believe only 9 days till Christmas. We are all excited to see what Santa will bring. This is our 2nd Christmas at our new house, so we are hoping he remembers we moved..:)
I guess that is it for now.
Posted by beth at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 15, 2007
These are the days
There is no time like the present! That is why this blog is being typed at 12:37am. I felt inspired by a good friend so here we go.....
I am a wife, a mom, a friend and a barista. Sometimes not in that exact order.
My kids are 10b, 9g, and 5g. They are awesome!
My son is an 8 year cancer survivor.(YEAH)He has a rare one in a million liver cancer, hepatoblastoma.He was treated at CHOP. He did better than me..Kids always do better that the parents. they are so resilliant. He swims, plays, baseball, and soccer. He has inspired me in more ways than he will ever know. He is brave, and has a wonderful way of looking at life. I aways think of the song "I hope you dance" When I summarize Cameron. He lives life to the fullest, and has heart like no other kid I know.
Skye is my clever middle daughter. She is so sweet, and her smile makes you smile. She works hard at everything she does! She is a swimmer and a straight A student. She and Cameron are on student council, and keep very involved in school. Last winter at this time she was diagnosed with a one in two million auto immune disease called CRMO. She was home schooled for three months, had a pic line in her arm, and had a hard road to learn to walk again. By June she was determined to swim. She did it and did it well! She takes daily meds, but is a tough customer!! I guess it is in the blood:)
Then there is wee, precious Emma. My 3rd and final miracle. She is a true drama queen! I don't know where that comes from, hahah. In the fall she will start kindergarten. Then I guess I will finally be able to sit home, eat bon bons, and watch daytime tv all day, not really. She wants to sing, dance, and perform. I might give in at some point.
My husband of 14 years is kind, loving, compassionate and very patient!!(he would have to be) I on the other hand may be those things minus the patient part,hahaha. I took him from his home in Scotland and landed him in the great State if NJ.
We have a brilliant life, with several bumps in the road. They are all handled by our God! Maybe not in our time, but in the right time.
In the next month I will have a much needed back surgery. I also have a bleeding disorder. It makes for an interesting surgery..I will try to update regularly.
I am keen to keep in touch with family and friends. That is another inspiration to do this bloggin thing.
Don't be shy, and welcome to the days with the Robertsons.
Posted by beth at 12:36 AM 1 comments